Safe Skunk Removal Services in Oakville

skunk removal oakville
Why consider Icon Pest & Wildlife Control for skunk removal in Oakville?

With an outstanding Customer Satisfaction rating of 97% on Home Stars, we’ve earned our reputation as a highly reliable and thoroughly professional provider of skunk removal in Oakville.

We count hundreds of residential, commercial and industrial clients as our partners and work tirelessly to grow & build our business with integrity.  We are confident you will see great value in our service and pricing.

Our techniques are humane and extremely effective.  We do not kill or poison wildlife. We use one-way doors and strategically placed traps to remove, capture and safely relocate them to their natural habitats.  We will go the extra mile to inspect your property for vulnerabilities to wildlife entry and deliver long-term solutions that last. 

If you’d like to learn more about our services and techniques or to obtain a free, no-obligation quote, do not hesitate to contact Icon Pest and Wildlife Control  at (647) 325 9060.  We provide 24 Hour Emergency Response for your added peace of mind. 

Skunk Removal Oakville

Icon Pest is a proudly Canadian pest control and wildlife removal business with over 25 years of experience in pest and wildlife control, including skunk removal in Oakville.  We know our cities well and understand what it takes to restore order and sanity to our customer’s lives. 

At ICON, we believe our Canadian wildlife is valuable and in need of our protection. We work diligently to protect your home and property from the damage and health risks posed by these fury friends without causing harm or undue stress.  

Our approach to wildlife control relies on humane principles which we know are effective based on decades of experience and hundreds of highly satisfied clients across the residential and commercial sector. 

Please give ICON PEST & WILDLIFE CONTROL a call (647) 325 9060 to learn more about what we do, our attractive pricing and our unbeatable service guarantees.


Skunk activity on private property

Skunks are widespread in Canada.  They can be easily described as “opportunists” whose main motivation is to find easy access to food.  They are also seeking shelter from the cold and their predators. This leads them to find new homes under your outdoor structures, including sheds, porches, decks and indoor refuge in your roof and attics.  When spring arrives, skunks are most active as female skunks set up dens to deliver their litters.  

As is the case with rodents and wildlife generally, food scraps, readily accessible garbage, pet food attracts skunks to your property.  Grass and shrubbery provide an endless supply of food as well, leading skunks to dig up your lawns in search of grubs and worms to consume. While this need to feed is universal, your home is not a skunk’s natural habitat. And the damage they cause in the process means skunks are a major nuisance that need to be addressed quickly. 

Once a skunk has established a den underneath the foundation of your home or in your attic, their removal requires greater expertise.  A well-experienced, licensed & insured wildlife specialist will know exactly what to do and in what order, to safely remove skunks from your property.

Our pest removal services include

ant extermination, rat removal, mice extermination, cockroach removal, bed bug removal, fly control, pest inspection & treatment and wildlife removal services.

Ways to protect your home from skunk intrusion
  1. Restrict Food Access:  Your best and most readily available protection is to limit their access to food and water.  Your pet’s feeding dish, food scraps around your outdoors BBQ, poorly secured garbage bins and compost bins are all major attractants. Be diligent in keeping food waste and pet food inside your home, particular overnight when skunks are most active.  
  2. Grub-Free Lawn Care:  With their great sense of hearing, Skunks can detect grub activity beneath your soil surface and they will tear up your grass to catch their next meal. Proper gardening practices and lawn treatments can go a long way at reducing the appeal of your back and front yards.  There are a large selection of products available at your local home and garden store to help you in this effort. 
  3. Fencing & Mesh Barriers:  Skunks are not great climbers and so great fencing is an effective protection measure against their unwanted entry.  Gaps and openings beneath porches, decks and sheds should be blocked and diligent monitoring around the foundation of your home to spot evidence of digging is recommended.  
  4. Monitoring Den Activity: Disturbing skunk dens by inserting stray or foliage at their opening will send a message to skunks that the area in question is not safe for habitat.  Be diligent in your monitoring for den activity and you can expect a skunk to eventually give up and move on to another property. 
  5. Skunk Repellents:  Ironically, certain odours repel skunks including citrus, moth balls, ammonia and castor oil, among others.  Using repellents to discourage skunks from visiting your garbage bins and outdoor kitchens can prove effective.

Areas we serve

We provide pest control & wildlife removal services in Richmond Hill, Aurora, Thornhill, Woodbridge, Newmarket, Toronto, North York & Scarborough

You can connect with us at (647) 325 9060 to enjoy a pest-free life.

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